ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL stands as the first report and update of the tremendous evolution of the Athenian Riviera: a precious key to unlock the corporate, cultural, business and lifestyle extension and expansion of an area spanning from Faliro and Piraeus all the way to Sounio.
At the forefront of current trends in hospitality, gastronomy, luxury lifestyle and art, ARJ will mark the golden age of the new face of the Athenian Riviera on its pages. The new developments, additions in every sector and the faces behind the projects will tell their own story of what we call “our Riviera”.
We have sculpted ARJ having in mind the new generation of travel connoisseurs: globetrotters and citizens of the world who are looking to live through experience, learn through interaction and meet through genuine insights in the most stylish and classy way. ARJ is their ultimate guide to be informed and initiated into lifestyle, arts, culture, history, gastronomy, shopping ideas and all the inspirational stories referring to the Athenian Riviera.
This site stands as our “window to the world” reaching every corner of the earth to share our content and interests, an ever-updated tool where an exceptional design and distinguished journalists create together a true masterpiece of digital travel with inspiring stories, great writing style, artistic photos and videos from professional photographers, videographers, illustrators and the here-and-now witness of renown influencers.
For more information, contact:
Thomais Adami
Tel. +30 2106100211-2
For general inquiries contact: For more details please download our Media kit.